My consent below indicates my permission to have my child take part in “Online Chess Coaching Course- offered by KinderSports LLP. I also agree to adhere to the guidelines and instructions of KinderSports LLP. I accept that all decisions pertaining to the training and certification shall be final and binding on me. I certify that above information provided by me is true and correct to best of my knowledge, information and brief.
Children's safety is our priority. Therefore we urge parents to be around their children when the session is going on. It is necessary to understand that while performing the activities / exercises, the presence of a parent can make it easier and safer. We are ensuring our online gymnastics sessions are joyful for kids along with safety. Please note, if something happens to children, KinderSports and Podar Jumbo Kidscan't be held accountable. Kindly press 'Agree' to proceed.
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